"Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20 ESV

When my daughters were younger, we said prayers every morning on the drive to school. When one was twelve years old and one was seven years old, we moved to a new community six hours away. The girls were really struggling and wanted to be back at our previous home. That November, we started the practice of naming something we were grateful for after our prayer time. All of our attitudes improved so much that we carried that practice on for years.
For many of you, you have been in a difficult season. Your families have been strained. Ministries are stretched. Deaths have happened. Hearts have been broken.
The greatest way to combat these seasons is from a place of gratitude. Do yourself a favor and make gratitude a practice you follow. Start a gratitude journal. Make a gratitude list. Do your best to be thankful in the season. It is not easy, but it can change your attitude.
If you are really struggling with a difficult season, please reach out for one free consultation. I would love to talk through how I can assist you.
Praying for you all,