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Am I the Right Person?

“We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!” Ephesians 2:10 Passion Translation

The first thing I do when meeting with a new client is ask for the story of how they got to the ministry. Over and over again I hear that these executive directors feel ill-quipped and not trained in their roles.

I often wonder how many people we come across feel like they are “winging it” every day. That if someone discovered how little they knew surely, they would be fired immediately.

This is a common theme I hear from executive directors a lot, but I think it can show up in any field. To be frank, I do not care about the other fields.

This imposter syndrome has the ability to paralyze executive directors and even lead them to quit before the Lord has called them to leave. This is where I care passionately.

There is no specific degree plan to run a Christian nonprofit. I have yet to meet someone that says they had dreamed of being an ED for their whole life.

Yet, God called you. Not your neighbor, not the person in the next office, not the person in a town over. AND IF HE CALLED YOU TO IT, HE WILL WALK YOU THROUGH IT.

Cliché I know, but it is true!

Give yourself grace in this role, and do not leave before the Lord calls you away. Lean into Him and all that He has called you to. Trust Him, and always remember to breathe. (I say those last 2 things a lot!)

I am passionate about leading beside executive directors, and them not feeling so alone in their role. If you are feeling alone, please look into the Five Stone Mentoring mentors. All of them are there to walk beside you in leadership.

Praying for you today,


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