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Above Reproach


Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:38 ESV

In the Christian world, leaders often hear the phrase to behave in such a way that you are “above reproach.” Reproach is defined as addressing someone as if to communicate disapproval or disappointment. Therefore, being above reproach means that someone is not disappointed in you. 

I used to think being above reproach was doing my job with excellence or working with excellence. It is more than that. It is doing your job, your life, your actions in such a way as to not disappoint. This could mean to not disappoint donors, the board, the team, your family, but most importantly it means to not disappoint God.

As the Lord has placed you in the role of leadership of HIS ministry, you are called to conduct yourself in a manner that does not disappoint Him.

Have I disappointed the Father in my past? Absolutely. Have I gotten off course? 100%. Did I come back to the Father with a repentant heart and ask for forgiveness? With every fiber of my being.

There was only one perfect human being, and they hung Him on a cross. However, we can do our best to make Him proud of how we carry ourselves and serve His ministries. 

Stay on Vision!

Dr. Ashley Graves

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